2024-06-21 21:04:40.866 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:K4-Arenas Created a default gameconfig.cfg file. Please configure it to your needs at '/home/container/game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/disabled/K4-Arenas/gameconfig.cfg' 2024-06-21 21:04:40.875 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:K4-Arenas Loaded 30 configuration settings from '/home/container/game/csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/disabled/K4-Arenas/gameconfig.cfg'. You can disable this by setting 'use-predefined-config' to false. 2024-06-21 21:04:40.876 +00:00 [EROR] plugin:K4-Arenas Please setup your MySQL database settings in the configuration file in order to use the preferences system. 2024-06-21 21:04:49.407 +00:00 [INFO] plugin:K4-Arenas Successfully setup 32 arenas!